Useful products
Trying to change your lifestyle can be hard. Reducing your UPF intake and increasing the amount of physical activity you do can feel like big changes, and you might be looking for ways to make things easier.
On this page we've curated a selection of products or resources that we're found have made our lives way easier when trying to make these changes. However, we want to note that none of these items are absolutely necessary for success, and you shouldn't feel any pressure to spend money on anything you don't think you need!
Ninja Foodi multicooker
"I use this thing every single day, its a complete game-changer. I can make soup, rice, quinoa, bread, chilli, you name it! The air fryer function is great but it also has a pressure cooker function which cooks wholegrains in minutes, plus its cheaper to run than the oven or hob. I'd recommend it to anyone." - Gaby
IKEA tupperware
"If you're planning to start meal-prepping, having lots of tupperware than all stacks neatly together in the cupboard is a must if you have a small kitchen like me. We have 6 of the 1 litre plastic containers which we use to take our lunches into work and and 1 glass 1.8 litre glass container which we use for leftovers of things like bolognese or curry. They all use the same lids so you don't have to worry about trying to match them up." - Gaby
Stronger by the Day App
"I had been going to the gym for years but have always bumbled about a bit not quite knowing what to do, which made it hard to stick to a proper routine. Then I saw Stronger by the Day recommended on Reddit. This app writes a 3/4/5 day per week workout routine for you, backed by professionals, with video tutorials for all movements. Each workout has a 'gym', 'bodyweight', and 'express' version and you can substitute any exercises you need to. There's also an online community of other users. I'm a total convert." - Gaby